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Raoul Bellanova è l’ennesimo “diavolo” promettente che il settore giovanile del Milan può vantare di avere tra le proprie fila. A dimostrazione che lavorare sui vivai può portare soltanto a dei benefici per la società, incidendo sulle sorti della pri
Davide Merola nasce il 27 Marzo 2000 a Caserta. Inizia a tirare i suoi primi calci da giovanissimo nella Juve Sammaritana. Passerà poi al Capua dove darà grandi lezioni di tecnica e fiuto del gol, per poi approdare all’Inter, club in cui milita sin da
Alessio Zerbin è un attaccante moderno molto veloce a dispetto della buona fisicità (182 cm di altezza). Agisce prevalentemente sul lato sinistro del fronte offensivo, posizione in cui si esaltano le sue doti nel dribbling, la sua qualità principale, e dall
Elia Petrelli, bomber dell’Under 17 della Juventus con una particolarità: è nato nel 2001. Nonostante la giovane età, riesce a segnare tantissimi gol: l’abilità sotto porta è il suo marchio di fabbrica, con il quale mette in apprensione le difese avve
Nicholas inizia ad affacciarsi nel calcio che conta e gli addetti ai lavori sostengono che abbia davvero le qualità tecniche giuste per imporsi. Il Sassuolo, che di giovani italiani se ne intende parecchio, lo ha prelevato dopo il fallimento del Parma: Pierin
Riccardo Forte nasce a Trieste, nel 1999. Ha iniziato nelle giovanili del Trieste per poi passare al Milan dove ha ritrovato l’ex compagno Pobega . Forte si è fatto notare a suon di gol, grazie ai quali in poco tempo è riuscito a scalare le giovanili d
Guineano classe 1998, il giocatore in Italia ha iniziato a farsi apprezzare nelle fila dell’under 19 del Santarcangelo. Si è trasferito in prestito dapprima al Sassuolo nella stagione 2014/15 e poi al Bologna, sempre in prestito, nella stagione successiva.
Sul giovane Portanova peraltro c’era una forte concorrenza dato che a Manolo erano interessati top club europei come Monaco e Chelsea. La Juventus però ha bruciato tutti e si è assicurata Portanova, che quindi dalla prossima stagione andrà a rinforzar
A 17 anni è arrivata la prima convocazione per un ritiro professionistico per Gabriele Capanni, l’attaccante di Trestina da tre anni in forza al Milan. L’ex della prima squadra Vincenzo Montella lo aveva infatti convocato per la seconda fase del ritir
Vincenzo Millico è un sterno d’attacco tutto pepe ha da poco firmato il suo primo contratto da professionista. Fisicamente è già strutturato e non ha perso negli anni il dribbling e lo sprint nello stretto. Il Torino ha pensato bene di tenerselo stret
Nato a Presov nella Repubblica Slovacca il 23 marzo 1998, Tupta è un attaccante slovacco molto rapido, che può giocare sia da prima punta atipica (non supera il metro e 80), che da seconda punta (il suo ruolo naturale) e, grazie ad un’eccellente tecnic
Emanuel Vignato, classe 2000, ala destra del Chievoverona. Vignato nasce a Negrar, comune del Veronese il 24 agosto del 2000 da padre italiano e madre brasiliana, di Fortaleza e già da giovanissimo entra a far parte del settore giovanile del Chievo dove sin d
Marco Olivieri è dotato di grandi doti fisiche nonostante i 177 cm di altezza: forza e velocità le sue armi migliori Destro naturale a cui piace rientrare per attaccare gli spazi centrali e che, per sua stessa ammissione, sfrutta al meglio le proprie caratte
Riccardi può giocare in tutti i ruoli del centrocampo ma sostanzialmente è una mezzala, il calciatore a cui s’ispira è Miralem Pjanic anche se il trasferimento alla Juventus hanno un po’ spento il “fuoco” che lo legava al talento bos
Federico Valietti is a 18 years old footballer who plays in FC Inter. This video shows his assists and overall play from Primavera Championship and International Champions Cup. SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzAdXDtEBr40mpEQO6hoHw FOLL
Nicolò Zaniolo is a 18 years old footballer who plays in FC Inter. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzAdXDtEBr40mpEQO6hoHw FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.inst
Frank Tsadjout is a 18 years old footballer who plays in AC Milan. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzAdXDtEBr40mpEQO6hoHw FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.insta
Lorenzo Babbi is a 17 years old footballer who plays in Atalanta. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballT
Nicolò Fagioli is a 16 years old footballer who plays in FC Juventus. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Foot
Vladan Dekić is a 18 years old footballer who plays in FC Inter. This video shows his Saves and overall play from Primavera Championship and UEFA Youth League. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.y
Arnel Jakupović is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Juventus. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship and U-21 European Qualifiers. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: htt
Gabriele Gori is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Fiorentina. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footbal
Ciro Palmieri approda al Napoli nel 2014, dopo che era sfumato l’accordo che lo avrebbe portato a Londra a vestire la maglia del Chelsea. Palmieri sin da ragazzo dimostra di avere la stoffa del campione, così il Napoli decide di acquistarlo. Quest’
Nico Manara, classe 2001, attualmente in forza nelle giovanili del Cesena, il prossimo 17 Aprile andrà compiere 17 anni. Quest’anno può vantare la prima posizione nella classifica marcatori del campionato, con 14 gol in 18 presenze. Manara è un giocat
Riccardo Sottil is a 18 years old footballer who plays in ACF Fiorentina. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/F
Xian Emmers è un centrocampista duttile, tecnicamente dotato e con chiara propensione offensiva, oggi si dimostra vera arma in più per la mediana dell’Inter. Può essere schierato da mezz’ala in un centrocampo a 3, oppure come esterno d’attacco
Marco Carnesecchi, arrivato in estate all’ Atalanta dal Cesena, classe 2000, nazionale U18, si è subito ritagliato uno spazio importante confermando le doti che lo avevano messo in luce con la maglia del Cesena. Nella formazione bergamasca è titolare i
Tiago Dias è stato acquistato a titolo gratuito in estate dal Milan. Per capire che giocatore sia, basta guardare qualche giocata: tecnico, tutto mancino, un esterno d’attacco che ha qualcosa in comune con Suso. I suoi allenatori lo hanno usato a destra
Filippo Melegoni, centrocampista dell’Atalanta, classe ’99, ha giocato in tutte le nazionali giovanili e attualmente è il capitano dell’Under 19. Ha già debuttato in Serie A, l’anno scorso contro la Sampdoria, e in un anno pare esser cresciuto es
Sandro Tonali, centrocampista del Brescia, è un regista puro, possiede un piede destro educato, disciplina tattica e visione di gioco. Ah sì, ha anche i capelli lunghi, proprio alla Pirlo: ne esce una certa somiglianza fisica che fa infiammare ancora di più
Alessio Zerbin is a 19 years old footballer who plays in SSC Napoli. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
HWANG DOYEON TRANSFERMARKT: https://www.transfermarkt.it/do-yeon-hwang/profil/spieler/172805
Vincent Thill is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Metz. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Coupe de France and International Friendly. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube
Vincent Thill is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Metz. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Coupe de France and International Friendly. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube
Vincent Thill is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Metz. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Coupe de France and International Friendly. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube
Vincent Thill is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Metz. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Coupe de France and International Friendly. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Inter – Fiorentina 2-1 dts (Finale)
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Ciro Immobile ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —̵
Maycon de Andrade Barberan is a 20 years old footballer who plays in Shakhtar. This video shows his Goals and overall play from CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO SÉRIE A. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yo
Maycon de Andrade Barberan is a 20 years old footballer who plays in Shakhtar. This video shows his Goals and overall play from CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO SÉRIE A. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yo
Maycon de Andrade Barberan is a 20 years old footballer who plays in Shakhtar. This video shows his Goals and overall play from CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO SÉRIE A. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yo
Maycon de Andrade Barberan is a 20 years old footballer who plays in Shakhtar. This video shows his Goals and overall play from CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO SÉRIE A. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yo
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Fiorentina – Juventus 4-1 (Semifinale)
Javairô Dilrosun is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Manchester City. This video shows his Goals and overall play from EFL Trophy and Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.you
Javairo Dilrosun is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Manchester City. This video shows his Goals and overall play from EFL Trophy and Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yout
Javairo Dilrosun is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Manchester City. This video shows his Goals and overall play from EFL Trophy and Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yout
Javairo Dilrosun is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Manchester City. This video shows his Goals and overall play from EFL Trophy and Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.yout
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Gianluigi Donnarumma ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ̵
Alessio Zerbin is a 19 years old footballer who plays in SSC Napoli. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Primavera Championship. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Fiorentina – Sassuolo 3-2
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Julian Draxler ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —R
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Inter – Genoa 1-0 (Quarti di Finale)
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Emre Mor ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——
Panagiotis Retsos is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Bayer Leverkusen. This video shows his overall play from Bundesliga and Super League. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Panagiotis Retsos is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Bayer Leverkusen. This video shows his overall play from Bundesliga and Super League. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Panagiotis Retsos is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Bayer Leverkusen. This video shows his overall play from Bundesliga and Super League. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Panagiotis Retsos is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Bayer Leverkusen. This video shows his overall play from Bundesliga and Super League. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Genoa – Spezia 3-0
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Memphis Depay ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —̵
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Juventus – Rappresentativa Serie D 3-1
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Sergej Milinkovic-Savic ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 &#
Sarà un futuro fenomeno del calcio?
Luca Ercolani is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Manchester United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
Luca Ercolani is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Manchester United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
Luca Ercolani is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Manchester United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
Luca Ercolani is a 18 years old footballer who plays in Manchester United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Footba
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Bruges – Spezia 0-1
Jupiler Pro League: St. Truiden – Club Brugge 0-1, 30^Giornata JPL
Keaton Parks is a 18 years old footballer who plays in SL Benfica. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Liga NOS and LedMan Liga Pro. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Keaton Parks is a 18 years old footballer who plays in SL Benfica. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Liga NOS and LedMan Liga Pro. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Keaton Parks is a 18 years old footballer who plays in SL Benfica. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Liga NOS and LedMan Liga Pro. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Keaton Parks is a 18 years old footballer who plays in SL Benfica. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Liga NOS and LedMan Liga Pro. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/Fo
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Bologna – Cagliari 1-1
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Genoa – Az Alkmaar 4-1
Marcelo Saracchi is a 19 years old footballer who plays in River plate. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premeira Liga. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” Song: WRLD – By Design SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://w
Marcelo Saracchi is a 19 years old footballer who plays in River plate. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premeira Liga. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” Song: WRLD – By Design SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://w
Marcelo Saracchi is a 19 years old footballer who plays in River plate. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premeira Liga. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” Song: WRLD – By Design SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://w
Marcelo Saracchi is a 19 years old footballer who plays in River plate. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premeira Liga. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” Song: WRLD – By Design SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://w
Nicolas Villafañe 2017 First division venezuela/ Primera division venezuela (Estudiantes de Merida) Info: www.alessandrocolazzo.it
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Torino – Perugia 3-1
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Inter – Parma 1-0
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Rhian Brewster ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —R
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Milan – Cai 1-0
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Juventus – Rijeca 2-2
Il nostro portale di Calcio Dilettante e Giovanile Italiano: http://www.calcionazionale.it Torneo di Viareggio 2018: Sampdoria – Partizan Belgrado 1-2
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Salah Mohsen ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——
Sandro Tonali, centrocampista del Brescia, è un regista puro, possiede un piede destro educato, disciplina tattica e visione di gioco. Ah sì, ha anche i capelli lunghi, proprio alla Pirlo: ne esce una certa somiglianza fisica che fa infiammare ancora di più
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Phil Foden ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——&
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Moise Kean ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——&
Filippo Melegoni, centrocampista dell’Atalanta, classe ’99, ha giocato in tutte le nazionali giovanili e attualmente è il capitano dell’Under 19. Ha già debuttato in Serie A, l’anno scorso contro la Sampdoria, e in un anno pare esser cresciuto es
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Tanguy Ndombele ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —
Ro-Shaun Williams is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Man United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballT
Ro-Shaun Williams is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Man United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballT
Ro-Shaun Williams is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Man United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballT
Ro-Shaun Williams is a 19 years old footballer who plays in Man United. This video shows his Goals and overall play from Premier League 2. Football Talents’ Kingdom “Over The Football” SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballT
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Cengiz Ünder ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 —̵
Tiago Dias è stato acquistato a titolo gratuito in estate dal Milan. Per capire che giocatore sia, basta guardare qualche giocata: tecnico, tutto mancino, un esterno d’attacco che ha qualcosa in comune con Suso. I suoi allenatori lo hanno usato a destra
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Mar Alisson ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——R
Marco Carnesecchi, arrivato in estate all’ Atalanta dal Cesena, classe 2000, nazionale U18, si è subito ritagliato uno spazio importante confermando le doti che lo avevano messo in luce con la maglia del Cesena. Nella formazione bergamasca è titolare i
DOWNLOAD ONEFOOTBALL APP FOR FREE NOW: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutNationHD-Feb Jorginho ► ScoutNation™ – Home of Football: Reviews for YOU, chosen by YOU. Subscribe to me HERE!: http://bit.ly/XMa4N3 | 2nd Channel: http://bit.ly/ZYNJ22 ——
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