My name is Nathan Fernandes Schaurich Aguiar, and I am a 22-year-old Brazilian born in Santarém, Pará, Brazil. I have been living in Italy for the past 12 years. I stand at a height of 180 cm. I started playing football at the age of 6, while I was still liv
My name is Nathan Fernandes Schaurich Aguiar, and I am a 22-year-old Brazilian born in Santarém, Pará, Brazil. I have been living in Italy for the past 12 years. I stand at a height of 180 cm. I started playing football at the age of 6, while I was still liv
Caleb Kubi Show | Skills, Assists, Goals 2023/2024 🇮🇹🇬🇭
For Info: Palermo F.C. Primavera ● Caleb Kubi Show | Skills, Assists, Goals 2023/2024 (Year 2005) 🇮🇹🇬🇭 Caleb Kubi, è un calciatore, nato il 24 Novembre del 2005 (18 anni), con una doppia nazionalità Italiana e Ghanese.
Athlete Duarte
Nome : Vinícius Duarte da Siilva Sobre nome : Duarte Data de nascimento : 09/03/1994 País : Brasil Nacionalidade : Brasileiro Altura : 1,78 Peso : 75 kg Posição : Volante Outra posição : Meio-campo Pé : Esquerdo
Centrocampista , Trequartista
Sono un giocatore duttile dai buoni piedi , gioco trequartista ma posso giocare anche più arretrato . Svincolato